Friday, November 9, 2012

Are Consoles Dying Like Xbox 360? CNN Says Yes

Consoles are dying. Right?! That's the case CNN makes in a new feature article that looks into why they think that videogame consoles are on the way out. 

However, as always, you can make up your own decision on whether they are correct or not. I personally believe that consoles are NOT dying. Plenty of people prefer to play on a console rather than a PC, handheld, tablet or mobile device... only because this current generation has lasted so long and thus interest has waned over the years, are people now pulling the "dying" alarm bells. Besides, for how long have we heard these same sentiments regarding how the PC industry was dying or all but dead?

To quote from the article:

If console gaming were a first-person shooter, it would be taking heavy fire right now. A red hue would envelop the viewable screen from all sides, an ominous sign of spilled blood. Or worse, near-death. Despite this, Nintendo will release its new Wii U console on November 18, ushering in the eighth and possibly last generation of traditional home consoles as we know them. Consider this: Dedicated gaming sales — including living-room consoles and handhelds — are in the midst of a four-year tailspin. You might say that's because of a bad economy, but then you'd have to explain why movie revenue and cable TV subscriptions have largely stayed the same. Or why music sales, gutted by online streaming and piracy, have held up better than slumping sales of console games. Or why the popularity of social, mobile and PC games have skyrocketed to unthinkable heights.

- Source. Thanks to suddenbrain for the awesome artwork

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